
not living up to my blog title. the truth is, i really want to explain it all but i've been so busy that i haven't really had time to sit and type. the opera is opening up this week and goodness was dress rehearsal chaos. we have these insane costumes designed by Zandra Rhodes which are visually fantastic but are not at all practical. as soon as i get production photos i will post them. we had one of the Supers faint from heat and exhaustion. we had a Principle singer lash out at us for her shoes being too tight and giving her a blister. she had the opportunity to tell us her shoes did not fit during fittings. I, personally purchased about 5 pairs of shoes on Zappos in a range of sizes. she tried them on and picked her favorites and once we got to the theatre it turned out to be MY fault. typical, you hear about "Divas" and trust me i've seen my fair share of them. Well, soon i will be starting a production of Falstaff at UCLA. I will be assistant to the designer and wardrobe supervisor. i'm really excited about it.

here are a couple of videos i found on YouTube......of The Magic Flute (not our production)songs that you might recognize.

Queen of the Night(Aria)


until next time.....


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